Chapter 5 Querying models
Models can be queried using the query_distribution
and query_model
functions. The difference between these functions is that query_distribution
examines a single query and returns a full distribution of draws from the distribution of the estimand (prior or posterior); query_model
takes a collection of queries and returns a dataframe with summary statistics on the queries.
The simplest queries ask about causal estimands given particular parameter values and case level data. Here is one surprising result of this form:
5.1 Case level queries
The query_model
function takes causal queries and conditions (given
) and specifies the parameters to be used. The result is a dataframe which can be displayed as a table.
For a case level query we can make the query given a particular parameter vector, as below:
make_model("X-> M -> Y <- X") %>%
set_restrictions(c(decreasing("X", "M"),
decreasing("M", "Y"),
decreasing("X", "Y"))) %>%
query_model(queries = "Y[X=1]> Y[X=0]",
given = c("X==1 & Y==1",
"X==1 & Y==1 & M==1",
"X==1 & Y==1 & M==0"),
using = c("parameters")) %>%
caption = "In a monotonic model with flat priors, knowledge
that $M=1$ *reduces* confidence that $X=1$ caused $Y=1$")
model | query | given | using | case_level | mean | sd | cred.low.2.5% | cred.high.97.5% |
model_1 | Y[X=1]> Y[X=0] | X==1 & Y==1 | parameters | FALSE | 0.6154 | NA | 0.6154 | 0.6154 |
model_1 | Y[X=1]> Y[X=0] | X==1 & Y==1 & M==1 | parameters | FALSE | 0.6000 | NA | 0.6000 | 0.6000 |
model_1 | Y[X=1]> Y[X=0] | X==1 & Y==1 & M==0 | parameters | FALSE | 0.6667 | NA | 0.6667 | 0.6667 |
This example shows how inferences change given additional data on \(M\) in a monotonic \(X \rightarrow M \rightarrow Y \leftarrow X\) model. Surprisingly observing \(M=1\) reduces beliefs that \(X\) caused \(Y\), the reason being that perhaps \(M\) and not \(X\) was responsible for \(Y=1\).
5.2 Posterior queries
Queries can also draw directly from the posterior distribution provided by stan
. In this next example we illustrate the joint distribution of the posterior over causal effects, drawing directly from the posterior dataframe generated by update_model
data <- fabricate(N = 100, X = complete_ra(N), Y = X)
model <- make_model("X -> Y; X <-> Y") %>%
update_model(data, iter = 4000)
model$posterior_distribution %>%
data.frame() %>%
ggplot(aes(X.1 - X.0, Y.01_X.1 - Y.10_X.0)) +
We see that beliefs about the size of the overall effect are related to beliefs that \(X\) is assigned differently when there is a positive effect.
5.3 Query distribution
works similarly except that the query is over an estimand. For instance:
make_model("X -> Y") %>%
query_distribution(list(increasing = increasing("X", "Y")),
using = "priors") %>%
ggplot(aes(increasing)) + geom_histogram() +
xlab("Prior on Y increasing in X")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with
## `binwidth`.
5.4 Token and general causation
Note that in all these cases we use the same technology to make case level and population inferences. Indeed the case level query is just a conditional population query. As an illustration of this imagine we have a model of the form \(X \rightarrow M \rightarrow Y\) and are interested in whether \(X\) caused \(Y\) in a case in which \(M=1\). We answer the question by asking “what would be the probability that \(X\) caused \(Y\) in a case in which \(X=M=Y=1\)?” (line 3 below). This speculative answer is the same answer as we would get were we to ask the same question having updated our model with knowledge that in a particular case, indeed, \(X=M=Y=1\). See below:
model <- make_model("X->M->Y") %>%
set_restrictions(c(decreasing("X", "M"), decreasing("M", "Y"))) %>%
update_model(data = data.frame(X = 1, M = 1, Y = 1), iter = 8000)
query = "Y[X=1]> Y[X=0]",
given = c("X==1 & Y==1", "X==1 & Y==1 & M==1"),
using = c("priors", "posteriors"),
expand_grid = TRUE)
model | query | given | using | case_level | mean | sd | cred.low.2.5% | cred.high.97.5% |
model_1 | Y[X=1]> Y[X=0] | X==1 & Y==1 | priors | FALSE | 0.2143 | 0.2080 | 0.0027 | 0.7523 |
model_1 | Y[X=1]> Y[X=0] | X==1 & Y==1 | posteriors | FALSE | 0.2221 | 0.2107 | 0.0027 | 0.7553 |
model_1 | Y[X=1]> Y[X=0] | X==1 & Y==1 & M==1 | priors | FALSE | 0.2552 | 0.2209 | 0.0042 | 0.7931 |
model_1 | Y[X=1]> Y[X=0] | X==1 & Y==1 & M==1 | posteriors | FALSE | 0.2492 | 0.2203 | 0.0037 | 0.7835 |
We see the conditional inference is the same using the prior and the posterior distributions.
5.5 Complex queries
The Billy Suzy bottle breaking example illustrates complex queries. See Section 7.2.