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Calculated distribution of a query from a prior or posterior distribution of parameters


  given = NULL,
  using = "parameters",
  parameters = NULL,
  n_draws = 4000,
  join_by = "|",
  case_level = FALSE,
  query = NULL



A causal_model. A model object generated by make_model.


A character vector or list of character vectors specifying queries on potential outcomes such as "Y[X=1] - Y[X=0]"


A character vector specifying givens for each query. A given is a quoted expression that evaluates to logical statement. given allows the query to be conditioned on *observational* distribution. A value of TRUE is interpreted as no conditioning.


A character. Whether to use priors, posteriors or parameters


A vector or list of vectors of real numbers in [0,1]. A true parameter vector to be used instead of parameters attached to the model in case using specifies parameters


An integer. Number of draws.rm


A character. The logical operator joining expanded types when query contains wildcard (.). Can take values "&" (logical AND) or "|" (logical OR). When restriction contains wildcard (.) and join_by is not specified, it defaults to "|", otherwise it defaults to NULL.


Logical. If TRUE estimates the probability of the query for a case.


alias for queries


A DataFrame where columns contain draws from the distribution of the potential outcomes specified in query


model <- make_model("X -> Y") %>%
         set_parameters(c(.5, .5, .1, .2, .3, .4))
 # \donttest{
 # simple  queries
 query_distribution(model, query = "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])",
                    using = "priors") |>
#>   (Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])
#> 1        0.06111379
#> 2        0.44154416
#> 3        0.26766680
#> 4        0.36289837
#> 5        0.23667545
#> 6        0.04890897

 # multiple  queries
     query = list("(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])",
                  "(Y[X=1] < Y[X=0])"),
     using = "priors")|>
#>   (Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]) (Y[X=1] < Y[X=0])
#> 1        0.61847568         0.1268278
#> 2        0.16350915         0.1386330
#> 3        0.09975490         0.0578272
#> 4        0.57829491         0.0235060
#> 5        0.01991716         0.7515266
#> 6        0.17745259         0.5982866

 # multiple queries and givens
   query = list("(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])", "(Y[X=1] < Y[X=0])"),
   given = list("Y==1", "(Y[X=1] <= Y[X=0])"),
   using = "priors")|>
#>   (Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]) | Y==1 (Y[X=1] < Y[X=0]) | (Y[X=1] <= Y[X=0])
#> 1               0.13542224                             0.57771672
#> 2               0.44302955                             0.43379670
#> 3               0.32289961                             0.06444665
#> 4               0.03733217                             0.38763635
#> 5               0.11432872                             0.51898372
#> 6               0.60695022                             0.33701013

 # linear queries
 query_distribution(model, query = "(Y[X=1] - Y[X=0])")
#>   (Y[X=1] - Y[X=0])
#> 1               0.1

 # queries conditional on observables
 query_distribution(model, query = "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])",
                    given = "X==1 & Y ==1")
#>   (Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])
#> 1         0.4285714

 # Linear query conditional on potential outcomes
 query_distribution(model, query = "(Y[X=1] - Y[X=0])",
                    given = "Y[X=1]==0")
#>   (Y[X=1] - Y[X=0])
#> 1        -0.6666667

 # Use join_by to amend query interpretation
 query_distribution(model, query = "(Y[X=.] == 1)", join_by = "&")
#> Generated expanded expression:
#> (Y[X=0] == 1 | Y[X=1] == 1)
#>   (Y[X=.] == 1)
#> 1           0.9

 # Probability of causation query
    query = "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])",
    given = "X==1 & Y==1",
    using = "priors")  |> head()
#>   (Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])
#> 1         0.1405846
#> 2         0.5870869
#> 3         0.9578517
#> 4         0.5280612
#> 5         0.8793493
#> 6         0.7937734

 # Case level probability of causation query
    query = "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])",
    given = "X==1 & Y==1",
    case_level = TRUE,
    using = "priors")
#>   (Y[X=1] > Y[X=0])
#> 1         0.4950269

 # Query posterior
 update_model(model, make_data(model, n = 3)) |>
 query_distribution(query = "(Y[X=1] - Y[X=0])", using = "posteriors") |>
#> SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'simplexes' NOW (CHAIN 1).
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1: Gradient evaluation took 0.000201 seconds
#> Chain 1: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 2.01 seconds.
#> Chain 1: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1: Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1:  Elapsed Time: 1.558 seconds (Warm-up)
#> Chain 1:                1.477 seconds (Sampling)
#> Chain 1:                3.035 seconds (Total)
#> Chain 1: 
#> SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'simplexes' NOW (CHAIN 2).
#> Chain 2: 
#> Chain 2: Gradient evaluation took 0.000128 seconds
#> Chain 2: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 1.28 seconds.
#> Chain 2: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
#> Chain 2: 
#> Chain 2: 
#> Chain 2: Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: 
#> Chain 2:  Elapsed Time: 1.416 seconds (Warm-up)
#> Chain 2:                1.243 seconds (Sampling)
#> Chain 2:                2.659 seconds (Total)
#> Chain 2: 
#> SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'simplexes' NOW (CHAIN 3).
#> Chain 3: 
#> Chain 3: Gradient evaluation took 0.00012 seconds
#> Chain 3: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 1.2 seconds.
#> Chain 3: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
#> Chain 3: 
#> Chain 3: 
#> Chain 3: Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: 
#> Chain 3:  Elapsed Time: 1.356 seconds (Warm-up)
#> Chain 3:                1.502 seconds (Sampling)
#> Chain 3:                2.858 seconds (Total)
#> Chain 3: 
#> SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'simplexes' NOW (CHAIN 4).
#> Chain 4: 
#> Chain 4: Gradient evaluation took 0.000127 seconds
#> Chain 4: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 1.27 seconds.
#> Chain 4: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
#> Chain 4: 
#> Chain 4: 
#> Chain 4: Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: 
#> Chain 4:  Elapsed Time: 1.404 seconds (Warm-up)
#> Chain 4:                1.229 seconds (Sampling)
#> Chain 4:                2.633 seconds (Total)
#> Chain 4: 
#>   (Y[X=1] - Y[X=0])
#> 1        -0.5747837
#> 2        -0.3171723
#> 3        -0.1635851
#> 4        -0.7593423
#> 5        -0.2373443
#> 6         0.2677196

 # Case level queries provide the inference for a case, which is a scalar
 # The case level query *updates* on the given information
 # For instance, here we have a model for which we are quite sure that X
 # causes Y but we do not know whether it works through two positive effects
 # or two negative effects. Thus we do not know if M=0 would suggest an
 # effect or no effect

 model <-
   make_model("X -> M -> Y") |>
   update_model(data.frame(X = rep(0:1, 8), Y = rep(0:1, 8)), iter = 10000)
#> SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'simplexes' NOW (CHAIN 1).
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1: Gradient evaluation took 0.000245 seconds
#> Chain 1: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 2.45 seconds.
#> Chain 1: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1: Iteration:    1 / 10000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1000 / 10000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 2000 / 10000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 3000 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 4000 / 10000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 5000 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 5001 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 6000 / 10000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 7000 / 10000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 8000 / 10000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 9000 / 10000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1:  Elapsed Time: 16.707 seconds (Warm-up)
#> Chain 1:                17.177 seconds (Sampling)
#> Chain 1:                33.884 seconds (Total)
#> Chain 1: 
#> SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'simplexes' NOW (CHAIN 2).
#> Chain 2: 
#> Chain 2: Gradient evaluation took 0.000226 seconds
#> Chain 2: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 2.26 seconds.
#> Chain 2: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
#> Chain 2: 
#> Chain 2: 
#> Chain 2: Iteration:    1 / 10000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 1000 / 10000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 2000 / 10000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 3000 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 4000 / 10000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 5000 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 5001 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 6000 / 10000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 7000 / 10000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 8000 / 10000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 9000 / 10000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 2: 
#> Chain 2:  Elapsed Time: 16.866 seconds (Warm-up)
#> Chain 2:                17.604 seconds (Sampling)
#> Chain 2:                34.47 seconds (Total)
#> Chain 2: 
#> SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'simplexes' NOW (CHAIN 3).
#> Chain 3: 
#> Chain 3: Gradient evaluation took 0.000186 seconds
#> Chain 3: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 1.86 seconds.
#> Chain 3: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
#> Chain 3: 
#> Chain 3: 
#> Chain 3: Iteration:    1 / 10000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 1000 / 10000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 2000 / 10000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 3000 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 4000 / 10000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 5000 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 5001 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 6000 / 10000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 7000 / 10000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 8000 / 10000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 9000 / 10000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 3: 
#> Chain 3:  Elapsed Time: 17.212 seconds (Warm-up)
#> Chain 3:                19.106 seconds (Sampling)
#> Chain 3:                36.318 seconds (Total)
#> Chain 3: 
#> SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'simplexes' NOW (CHAIN 4).
#> Chain 4: 
#> Chain 4: Gradient evaluation took 0.00018 seconds
#> Chain 4: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 1.8 seconds.
#> Chain 4: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
#> Chain 4: 
#> Chain 4: 
#> Chain 4: Iteration:    1 / 10000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 1000 / 10000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 2000 / 10000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 3000 / 10000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 4000 / 10000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 5000 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 5001 / 10000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 6000 / 10000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 7000 / 10000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 8000 / 10000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 9000 / 10000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: Iteration: 10000 / 10000 [100%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 4: 
#> Chain 4:  Elapsed Time: 17.337 seconds (Warm-up)
#> Chain 4:                15.37 seconds (Sampling)
#> Chain 4:                32.707 seconds (Total)
#> Chain 4: 

 Q <- "Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]"
 G <- "X==1 & Y==1 & M==1"
 QG <- "(Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]) & (X==1 & Y==1 & M==1)"

 # In this case these are very different:
 query_distribution(model, Q, given = G, using = "posteriors")[[1]] |> mean()
#> [1] 0.4320531
 query_distribution(model, Q, given = G, using = "posteriors",
   case_level = TRUE)
#>   Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]
#> 1       0.6760235

 # These are equivalent:
 # 1. Case level query via function
 query_distribution(model, Q, given = G,
    using = "posteriors", case_level = TRUE)
#>   Y[X=1] > Y[X=0]
#> 1       0.6760235

 # 2. Case level query by hand using Bayes
 distribution <- query_distribution(
    model, list(QG = QG, G = G), using = "posteriors")

#> [1] 0.6760235
# }